Roker Pier Tunnel May Open To The Public

Hidden Tunnel May Open To The Public

Indeed, should Sunderland Council secure the correct funding, we could see the Roker Pier Tunnel open to the public. Obviously, many people use Roker Pier daily. In fact, many walkers use it regularly for a leisurely stroll.

Roker Pier Tunnel May Open To The Public - Sunderland Lighthouse

Sunderland’s Roker Pier indeed has a hidden tunnel

Of course, fishermen and women use it regularity too. But, the tides can trap some people at the lighthouse after a quick change to the weather. Therefore, check out our Sunderland Tide Times here. On some occasions, the only way to rescue those people is to use the tunnel. But the tunnel has been lacking maintenance recently. With this in mind, we all hope that the bid for lottery cash is successful.

Roker Pier Tunnel

In the first place, the Roker Pier and it’s lighthouse was open to the public in 1903. In fact, the construction began in 1885. Indeed, it is a great piece of true Victorian engineering. However, reaching the lighthouse in bad weather is difficult. So, those Victorian engineers incorporated a tunnel within the pier. It obviously acts as a breakwater at the mouth of the River Wear. In other words, it protects the harbour. Of course, in those days, Sunderland was a major British port.

Roker Pier Tunnel May Open To The Public - Sunderland Lighthouse could be more accessible

Inside view of the Roker Pier tunnel

There has also been suggestions that the public may be able to have guided tours inside the hidden tunnel. If this is the case, then it is a marvellous idea. Just imagine walking along the inside passage of this truly remarkable Victorian structure!


Wearside Online would like to hear of anyone who has any experience with the Roker Pier tunnel. So, if you have any memories of this Sunderland Pier or lighthouse, let us know. Obviously, if you know more details about this project, add a comment or two here.

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