Sunderland Students: Proposals To Ban Page 3 Girls

Sunderland Students: Proposals To Ban Page Three Girls

In brief, Sunderland students are planning to ban page 3 girls! This is the tune a group of students are playing at this time. On the whole, they want to ban page 3 from the campus. In effect, the students union will canvass students to see if they can get support.

Obviously, the proposed ban will see The Sun newspaper banned from the Student Union Shops too. Furthermore, there has already been a national campaign calling for The Sun newspaper to stop publishing pictures of topless models.
Sunderland Students: Proposals To Ban Page 3 Girls of the topless sort
More than 125,000 people signed the petition with only 3,000 voting to keep the images in a counter campaign.

Scholars in Sunderland will be meeting soon. By the same token, they will be discussing the proposals with Sunderland students on December the 9th 2013. Has the world gone overboard with political correctness or are they right to address the issue?

Should The Ban Go Ahead?

Indeed, in this politically correct age we see all forms of changes. However, should page three survive the chop? In the first place, The Sun has been printing page three girls for decades. But, although there have been other protests, page 3 girls still exist. With this in mind, what do you think? Indeed, do you believe that topless page 3 girls should grace the pages of national newspapers? Obviously, leave your comments here in the section below.

We also have the massive Sunderland Message Boards (SMB) in which to create a post. The Sunderland Forum has been in operation for many years and is still going strong. So, pop over and have a say on any topic you like but remember Wearside Online is a family friendly website. However, since you are at this page asking if students should ban page 3 girls, why not talk about that!

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